Family Routes Initiative Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in learning more about Family Routes! Please fill out this very brief survey so that we can get in touch with you.
If you have further questions, please contact
About the Initiative:
The Family Routes Initiative seeks to partner with organizations that work with
fathers, mothers, and children. The purpose is to share what the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has learned about healthy marriage/relationship and responsible fatherhood from other organizations, communities, and research.
Family Routes aims to
meet you where you are
– to understand your specific interests and support you with
that help you best serve families.
Your name
Your organization's name
Please answer question 2 before continuing.
Your role at the organization
Please answer question 3 before continuing.
Phone number
I want more information about this initiative!
Yes, please!
No, thanks
Please answer question 5 before continuing.
Please select the category or categories that best describe your organization. (Select any)
Business or corporate organization
Governmental organization
Labor/union organization
Network or association organization
Nonprofit/nongovernmental organization
Other, please specify
Please specify
Please answer question 6 before continuing.
Please fill in the text box next to the selected choice in question 6.
Please select at least 1 choices for question 6.
Please select your area(s) of interest. (Select any)
Child Welfare
Child Support
Early Childhood Development
Maternal and Childhood Health
Healthy Marriage/Healthy Relationship
Father Engagement
Other, please specify
Please specify
Please answer question 7 before continuing.
Please fill in the text box next to the selected choice in question 7.
Please select at least 1 choices for question 7.
Where did you hear about this initiative?
Anything else you would like to add?
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