2022-2023 NC State Recruitment Pulse Survey
Student Organization Name
Please answer question 1 before continuing.
Best Point of Contact Name
Please answer question 2 before continuing.
Best Point of Contact Email
Please answer question 3 before continuing.
Your answer to question 3 must be a valid email address.
Is your Organization interested in engaging with Deloitte this Fall 2022?
Yes, we are interested.
No, we are not interested.
Please specify
Please answer question 4 before continuing.
Please fill in the text box next to the selected choice in question 4.
Is your Organization planning / hosting / attending an event this Fall 2022 that you would like us to be aware of?
Please specify
Please answer question 5 before continuing.
Please fill in the text box next to the selected choice in question 5.
Please share anything else you would like with us below
Thank you for your time!
100% Complete
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