L'Evate Application for the Class of 2026
is a community-based organization that provides participants with insight into how our community functions, its cultural and organizational differences, and an opportunity to meet and network with other community leaders. Class days include leadership skills, teamwork, and group development training. Topics that impact the community such as wellness, diversity, criminal justice, business development, government, education, sports, and the arts are the focus of the monthly program days. You will experience opportunities that will enrich your life. Leadership is a vital component in the success and economic future of our communities.

Scholarships applications are available through the L'Evate website www.levate.org.  Scholarships are available for no more than 50% of the tuition fee.  Please indicate if you would like to apply for a tuition scholarship.

By submitting this application you are agreeing to the following:
Tuition:  If accepted into L’Evate, you or your company will be invoiced for the tuition fee of $1000.00. This covers all costs, including meals training and the retreat.   
Post-Graduation Expectations:  As an alumnus of L’Evate, you will be expected to have a future ongoing commitment to the growth and continuity of the program and the community.  This includes working on a committee as a team member for L’Evate and paying annual dues of $90.
Attendance:  I understand that it is mandatory to attend Orientation and Retreat in their entirety.  I also understand that I may miss no more than 10 hours during the 8 program days.
Commitment:  I understand that participation in the L’Evate program requires a substantial time commitment.  I have made arrangements to ensure that my participation will not be a conflict with my employment.

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